Tag Archives: Torah principals

‘KEE’ IS THE KEY – Kee teytzey – Deut. 21:10-25:19, by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

‘KEE’ IS THE KEY – Kee teytzey – Deut. 21:10-25:19, by Rabbi Baruch Cohon          This section opens with a paragraph about proper conduct in war, but the following chapters are not about war.  They continue building the Torah’s structure … Continue reading

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AN INDIVIDUAL MATTER? – R’ey,  Deut. 11:26-16:17, by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

AN INDIVIDUAL MATTER? – R’ey,  Deut. 11:26-16:17, by Rabbi Baruch Cohon        In this section, during Moses’ second discourse to the people on the bank of the Jordan, he reviews the laws of religious observance.  One sentence stands out as … Continue reading

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DESTINY OR DEBATE –Behukosai– Lev. 26:3-27:34– by Rabbi Baruch Cohon   

DESTINY OR DEBATE –Behukosai– Lev. 26:3-27:34– by Rabbi Baruch Cohon             This reading, Behukosai – “In My Statutes” – details the results to be expected from following Torah principles.  And from violating them.  Make those principles our guide, we will … Continue reading

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