Tag Archives: Nisan

A TRIPLE OCCASION — by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

A TRIPLE OCCASION — by Rabbi Baruch Cohon                      This coming Shabat morning in every traditional synagogue, when the Torah service starts, not one but three scrolls will be taken out of the Ark and carried in procession.  Arriving on the bema, … Continue reading

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NISAN, MONTH OF FREEDOM – Vayikra 5778 — by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

NISAN, MONTH OF FREEDOM – Vayikra 5778 — by Rabbi Baruch Cohon     On this coming Shabat morning, every traditional congregation will bring out not one but three Torah scrolls.  Truly a rare occasion.   This week we will … Continue reading

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A DO-IT-YOURSELF SHRINE – Sedrot Vayak’hel & Pikudey Ex.35-40 – by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

A DO-IT-YOURSELF SHRINE – Sedrot Vayak’hel & Pikudey Ex.35-40 – by Rabbi Baruch Cohon This is a special week in the cycle of the Jewish year.   All right, so every week is special.  So what’s so special this week? For … Continue reading

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BECOMING DISTINCT – “Bo” – Ex.10-13:16 – by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

BECOMING DISTINCT – “Bo” – Ex.10-13:16 – by Rabbi Baruch Cohon           One Torah reading – this week’s — brings us our transition into our distinct nationhood, our distinctive calendar, and the very trademark of our homes.  Warning the people … Continue reading

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354 DAYS AT A TIME – Emor – Lev.21-24, by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

354 DAYS AT A TIME – Emor – Lev.21-24, by Rabbi Baruch Cohon You probably heard about the fellow who decided to become an atheist. He left his family’s house of worship and turned his back on religion. But then … Continue reading

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