THE 3 D’s by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

THE 3 D’s    

From propaganda to violence, incidents of anti-Semitism sweep the globe.  Before, during and ever since the murderous Hamas attack on Israel, enemies slander both the Jewish state and the entire Jewish people.  From pro-Jihadi activists in the Middle East and elsewhere, from neo-Nazi gangsters whether in Potsdam or Pittsburgh, and from leftwing extremists in the US Congress, come a variety of false charges and defamations.  Violent crimes inevitably follow, as “demonstrators” attack pedestrians who just might happen to be wearing a skullcap.

Of course this is nothing new.  History of Jew-hatred repeats itself all through the centuries.  In the Middle East, Assyrians slaughtered ancient Israelites. 18th century Spain launched an Inquisition, expelling those Jews who did not get killed.  Russian pogroms murdered thousands, including my aunt and her husband and children in 1905.  Germany outdid the others with the 1940’s Holocaust. Only after that monumental attempted genocide was the re-established State of Israel able to provide some rescue and defense.

Defense is again called for.  Israel defended its people very well against the latest military attacks.  Then, the slanderers charged Jews with “war crimes” because of Arab civilians in Gaza who were killed by Hamas’ own rockets. Life and justice demand that we respond to the need for defense.

How does a loosely organized Jewish population in most countries deal with that need?  One substantial aid to Israel comes from organizations like Volunteers for Israel, some thousands of whose members spend months – in some cases every summer – working with IDF soldiers, packing supplies for them, relieving them of some barracks duties, getting them ready to go into action.  These volunteers come from many countries, speak a variety of languages enabling them to communicate with Israelis from assorted backgrounds, and do a valuable job.  Their president, Mark Werner, recently wrote a book about the 18 years he has engaged in this work. Other valued friends will be discussed here soon.

Besides helping Israel, of course, there’s a lot more to combating anti-Semitism. The schoolboy who is beaten in Paris, the pedestrian who is targeted and run over in New York, the lies that clog the airwaves – all call for action. 

I see three kinds of action that could work. Defense is #1. Physical, social and political defense.

One requirement to support Defense in all its forms is Denial.  False charges must be disproved.  Make sure the truth is verified. 

And also, the hateful accusers should be identified. Denounce them. That’s important too.  Expose and stop the hatred before it kills.

3 D’s can counter this hatred: Deny, Denounce and Defend. 

Now is the time.

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