Tag Archives: Yohanan ben Zakkai

RINGS ON THE ARK – Parsha T’rumah by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

RINGS ON THE ARK – Parsha T’rumah   by Rabbi Baruch Cohon                         Chapters 25-27 of Exodus provide a description of the first Jewish sanctuary in complete detail.  All it lacks is a blueprint, and succeeding generations of construction-minded scholars have supplied that.  Some modern editions … Continue reading

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RINGS ON THE ARK – Parsha T’rumah   by Rabbi Baruch Cohon  

RINGS ON THE ARK – Parsha T’rumah   by Rabbi Baruch Cohon Chapters 25-27 of Exodus provide a description of the first Jewish sanctuary in complete detail.  All it lacks is a blueprint, and succeeding generations of construction-minded scholars have supplied … Continue reading

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RINGS ON THE ARK – Parsha T’rumah by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

RINGS ON THE ARK – Parsha T’rumah by Rabbi Baruch Cohon Chapters 25-27 of Exodus provide a description of the first Jewish sanctuary in complete detail. All it lacks is a blueprint, and succeeding generations of construction-minded scholars have supplied … Continue reading

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