Category Archives: Nachshon

Why Do You Cry To Me BETTER SING by Rabbi Baruch Cohon

WHY DO YOU CRY TO ME?   BETTER SING! – by Rabbi Baruch Cohon           The 13th thru 17th chapters of Exodus tell some of the Bible’s most dramatic and significant episodes.  After unsuccessfully negotiating with Moses, Pharaoh and his people experienced … Continue reading

Posted in Baruch Cohon, Cantor, Egypt, Exodus, Florida Atlantic University Music Library, Israel, Jewish, Jewish Music, Jewish Traditions, Moses, Music, Nachshon, Plagues, Sabbath, Shabat, Shabat Shira - The Sabbath of Song, Talmud, Temple Emanu-El of Tucson, Torah, Torah Study | Comments Off on Why Do You Cry To Me BETTER SING by Rabbi Baruch Cohon